Tuesday, December 29, 2015


This is quite ironic but that is the reality on ground. Findings by Saheed Ojubanire Online recently have shown that two of the biggest marketers in the Islamic music industry today are Christians. And they are in the persons of Sunday Esan and Okafor Peter Anayo.

Esan is the CEO of Okiki Music and Films with his outlet situated in Army Arena Market, Bolade Oshodi and Anayo is the CEO of Golden Point Music with his own outlet in Alaba International Market. And available records have clearly shown that the two of them are the new brides of top Islamic artistes, as marketers, whenever they are releasing new albums, and that is apparently because they come with better deals than others in the business.

It is also interesting to emphasize the fact that, Esan does not only play big in the Islamic music industry, he has also performed Umrah (Lesser Hajj) supposedly to be for only Muslims, yet he still remains a Christian based on the findings by Saheed Ojubanire Online. Meanwhile, Anayo on his own part is not only a Christian but also as his name already suggests, is an Ibo man.

So who says Christians should not co-exist with their Muslim brothers? And who says they should not exploit business opportunities between themselves like Esan and Anayo?

Sunday, December 20, 2015


Who says hard work doesn't pay? Such a person needs to read this. As a marketer who know his onions, the CEO of Okiki Films and Music Productions, Sunday Esan, does not joke with the quality of music that comes off his reputable stable. And that is apparently why he engaged a gifted music producer in the person of Kazeem Akogba, to consistently fine tune any musical production Aperire Marketer as Sunday Esan is also fondly called, would be bank-rolling for any artiste.

And while Akogba always bring his compositional finesse to bear on any song he is enjoined to produce, he never seemed to notice that Okiki is watching and taking note. And since action speaks louder than words, Okiki in his wisdom finally deemed it fit to commend his diligent producer with an impressive action.

And what did Okiki do? He has just presented Akogba with a good car as a reward for his commitment and immense contributions to ensuring that any album coming from the label of Okiki always give others in the market a good run for their money.

And do you still say hard work doesn't pay?


In a couple of days, two things are going to happen in the entertainment industry. One, Fuji music star, Shefiu Alao Adekunle a.k.a. Baba Oko would be releasing an unprecedented 2-in-1 album. And two, the albums are bound to shake the Fuji music industry to its foundation.

Titled:"Agbara Orin" and "Aso Olohun", the two albums, according to the feelers reaching Saheed Ojubanire Online, would be bringing Shefiu Alao to Fuji music lovers in a new dimension. The albums are said to be designed to claim Shefiu Alao's lofty position in the Fuji music industry and show others where they truly belong.

Who is truly the "Power of Music" (Agbara Orin) in Fuji music industry? Is it any of those already laying claims to it or someone else? You only need to take two steps to find out the answers. One, make sure you keep your ears to the ground to know immediately when the albums are released. And two, make sure you pick your own copies immediately.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Revealed: What K1 Sing-alike, Ramoni Akanni Has Achieved Silently

+ Set To Build 7th House In Ibadan

Call him a silent achiever and you would not be wrong. For talented Fuji music king, Alhaji Wasiu Ayinde Marshal (K1)'s sing-alike, Alhaji Ramoni Akanni a.k.a. Raymon King (RK1), being a Fuji artiste has been a success story. Adjudged by many as the closest to K1's style in terms of rhythm, lyrics and tone, "Lecturer" as the Ogbomosho, Oyo State, born musician is also fondly called by fans, has kept eating the fruits of his labour in music and the "tree" bearing the fruits has continued growing greener.

Recent Findings have shown that the artiste who started singing in the early 80's has, from proceeds from his art, built 6 palatial houses both in Ogbomosho and Ibadan, Oyo State, and he is still not resting on his oars as he has also acquired another percel of land to build his 7th house.

For the records, the artiste who has taken his music to London, America and France on several occasions, has 6 houses in different choice locations in Ogbomosho and he only completed his 6th house in the heart of Ibadan, early 2015. Moreover, just beside his Ibadan new residence, he has bought another parcel of land to put up another structure sometime soon.

It is also instructive to add that RK1 is one of the few Fuji artistes who have full ultra-modern musical instruments of their own they perform with as well as a multi-million naira truck in which the instruments are transported. And he is also one of the few who can boast of having a standard bus for their band's men to travel in, wherever they have shows in Nigeria.

RK1 who just put finishing touches to a new album set for release early 2016, is by nature not an artiste who brag about God's blessings in his life but it took a painstaking journalistic digging to discover his silent achievement which dwarfs what some other Fuji artistes had been parading as unprecedented achievement.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Are you a lover of Islamic music? Better still, are you a lover of good music? How does this name strike you: Alhaja Ameenah Ajao a.k.a. Obi Rere? Yes, the very talented Islamic artiste who broke down the barrier of religious differences for Islamic music with the ground-breaking release of her debut album titled "Obi Rere" some years back. That same gripping song that made Christians and even traditionalists to begin to listen to Islamic music.

Just in case you have forgotten, this should remind you." Mama ni mama mi, baba ni baba ti moni, obi mejeeji timo ni, bose lewu kepe laye to, e o ni foju sunkun omo,eo ni mo saare omo, lola Anobi Mohammedu, lola Anobi Mohammeda..." Meaning: "My mum is a super mum, my dad is the best dad, the two wonderful parents I have, no matter how long you both live, may you never witness the death of any of us, your children, may God grant that prayer for the sake of Prophet Mohammed [S.A.W.] (the beloved Messenger of God)..."

No matter the religious faith they profess, who does not wish the invocation in the foregoing family prayer for themselves? Hence, it was with that very deep prayer song Ameera as Obi Rere is also called broke into the limelight and took the music industry by storm, and she has never looked back since then. The Islamic Ambassador has kept waxing stronger with her subsequent albums ever after.

And here is a new gist for her ardent fans all over the world. As you read this, Obi Rere is currently in the studio cooking a new album she says would be another block-buster when released. And the pretty singer has asked her fans to keep their fingers crossed as the forthcoming album would hit the music stores sooner than they can imagine and it would not fall short of their high expectation, as usual. It would be marketed by Golden Point Music.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Are you aware that Fuji music star, Alhaji Taiwo Adebisi, the Apesin of Fuji but popularly known as Taye Currency has a message for you on "BBM"? Before you start thumbing through your BlackBerry Messenger alerts looking for the message, get the full gist here first. "BBM" according to the very creative and talented artiste means “Birthday Bash” and “Message” being the titles of his latest 2-in-1 album which has just hit the music stores nationwide. The album was released on Monday, 7th December, 2015 and has been selling like hot cakes.

Speaking on the 10-track album, Taye Currency described it as “unique and totally different from other dual albums that people have heard”. He stressed that `BBM’ preaches the importance of individuals sustaining high level of sound integrity.‎

While pointing out that “the album preaches peace”, Taye Currency continued that he would keep on thrilling Nigerians with good music, an assurance the album is already living up to. ‎

The album being marketed by Golden Point Music has been rocking the airwaves across Nigeria, as people are enjoying it, especially because they had waited for almost two years to have a feel of something new from the musician who has always assured his fans of his best at all times.

According to some of his fans whose opinions were sampled a while ago, "Taye has reached the age that he can give messages out. And all the ten tracks in the album measured up to expectation.”

So, where is your "BBM"? You really need to pick one if you have not done so already and when you listen to the loaded message in the album, you’ll surely want to "broadcast" it to others.


When the going was still tough, they still kept going and today, they have both arrived. Below is an old skool picture of Fuji music stars, Alhaji Abass Akande Obesere, Ologbojo 1 of Fuji (PK 1st) and Alhaji Wasiu Alabi Pasuma, the Oga Nla and Federal Government of Fuji, when they were still travelling the rough road to stardom…



From this point on, any Fuji artiste not in the good books of Fuji music super star, Alhaji Wasiu Alabi Pasuma, the Oga Nla and Federal Government of Fuji should be running for cover. And the reason is that there is likely to be a serious explosion that might be occasioned by a bomb about to be dropped by Pasuma. So, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Information reaching Saheed Ojubanire Online has it that in his characteristic manner, Pasuma would be dropping an album this December,a yearly release which has over time been tagged “December Tonic” for his teeming fans world-wide. And the album which promises to be explosive is titled “Bombshell” and would as usual, be released on the stable of Sarolaj Music and Films International.

Considering what has been happening of recent between Pasuma and a fellow Fuji artiste who has been on his case challenging his (Pasuma) “Power and Authority” as the Federal Government of Fuji, one can predict that Pasuma’s coming “Bombshell” would come with its own “collateral damage” to his adversary in the industry. All one can do now is to watch out.

Friday, December 4, 2015



Abeokuta, Ogun State based Fuji music star, Alhaji (Dr.) Shefiu Alao Adekunle a.k.a. "Baba Oko" is set to shake the Fuji music industry to its foundation. How? Before now, the talented artiste had always refrained from adopting titles that could send shivers down the spines of his fellow Fuji artistes, especially, his "contemporaries." But that stance seems to have changed if the feelers reaching Saheed Ojubanire Online are anything to go by.

Shefiu Alao who is set to release a new album this December titled "Aso Olohun" for his teeming fans has adopted a new title that most, if not all other Fuji artistes may see as an affront. And what's the new title? "Agbara Orin!"

In case you don't know the import of that, wait for this break-down. There has been a power tussle among some top Fuji musicians of late which has led two particular Fuji artistes, one from Ibadan, Oyo State, and the other, from Oro, Kwara State, being at each others' jugular by claiming superiority over each other with titles.

When one was still reveling in the euphoria of having given the other a knock-out by claiming to be “King of Music”, the other who had seemed to be lying helplessly on the floor of the "boxing ring" has recently come back to life with an unexpected upper cut to the oesophagus of his opponent by claiming to be the “Federal Government of Fuji!” And while the “King of Music” is still gasping for breath from the destabilising punch, Shefiu Alao has apparently arrived with a new challenge for both.

With the new title of “Agbara Orin”, it simply means in the context of the foregoing analyses that the “boxing duo” have to subject themselves to the authority of "Baba Oko" as the new “Custodian of the Power of Music”. But Fuji music fans can keep their fingers crossed for now as Shefiu Alao's coming album prepares to rearrange the power equation in Fuji Music. The album would surely announce the new title to all who have ears and everyone could then expect reactions from the necessary quarters.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


This is not funny at all. Though, it is coming from a Nollywood comic character who is expected to always be funny. Call it an irony and you wouldn’t be wrong. For Hafiz Oyetoro better known as Simply Saka who has made a fortune for himself as a comic actor with mouth-watering endorsement deals, there is always a time to be serious. And this is one of such times.

According to the fair complexioned talented actor, he is currently being impersonated by some unscrupulous elements that are bent on using his good name to defraud unsuspecting members of the public. And as a scholar that he is (he is also a lecturer at a College of Education), Simply Saka has deemed it fit to cry out this morning and alert the members of the public to the fraud before it gets to them. He used his facebook page and below is how he said it.

“I, Hafiz Oyetoro (a.k.a SAKA) wish to alert members of the public to be aware of some unknown fraudsters who are currently deceiving people that I am running a promo. They are parading themselves as agents in one A&T Anti-courier service, overseeing the said promo on my behalf. These fraudsters are reportedly asking people to claim some mouth watering prizes such as laptops Hi-phones, etc. They are using fake promo codes to ask Nigerians to pay the sum of Nine Thousand, Eight Hundred and Fifty naira [9,850] to the following accounts:
1. Monday Rotimi, First Bank accout No. 3065486053
2. Peter Ade, Diamond Bank Account No. 1102393240
3. Peter Ade, Access Bank account No. 0691938545
The phone numbers they use in calling their victims are:
07017491714, 08156905888, 09099755824
My esteemed fans, Gentlemen of the Press and Distinguished members of the general public, I am using this medium to announce that I am not running any promo. I wish to state publicly that I am not a party to such a group (nor would ever be.) I hereby disassociate myself from them and advise you all to do so. Thank you and warmest regards.”

Is Hon. Adijat Oladapo Now Thinking Of A Career In Modeling?

If not for acute political miscalculation, perhaps she would still be holding a political office by now. Hon. Motunrayo Adijat Adeleye Oladapo became a member of the Ogun State House of Assemby rising on the crest of People's Democratic Party (PDP) to represent her Ifo II State Constituency in 2007.

But having a foresight that the PDP was becoming a rejected party in Ogun State as a new South-West “tsunamious” party, the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) came on stream then and sure-to-win Senator Ibikunle Amosun (SIA) became its governorship candidate in the state, Hon. Adijat dumped the PDP for the ACN towards the 2011 general elections. And with a deft political maneuvering, she still got the ticket to represent her State Constituency on the platform form of ACN and rode on the popularity of SIA just like many other contestants in the state, to victory in 2011.

But the slim and beautiful politician apparently pushed her luck too far by dumping the then newly formed All Progressives Congress (APC) which the ACN had subsumed into towards the 2015 general elections to rejoin the obviously disdained PDP.

And this time around, she wanted to be a member of the National Assembly by representing her Federal Constituency. But alas, she was roundly defeated by the candidate of the APC for that post and she became very forlorn after the embarrassing thrashing from the party she dumped out of her own volition.

But the question now is, after politics seem to have failed her, is the amiable Honourable thinking of a career in modeling? Check out the suggestive studio pictures she posted on her facebook page after the cut...

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Today, 1st December, 2015, radio station like no other, Faaji 106.5 FM clocked 3 years of premium service to its teeming listeners and there was a modest celebration of the 3rd anniversary by some of the dab hands who make the radio station tick. See pictures below...

Photo Credit: Dr. Ambrose Olutayo Somide.

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Now that he is closing in on 50 as he turns 48 today, 27th November, 2015, has Fuji music mega superstar, Alhaji omo Alhaja, Baba Alhaja, Wasiu Alabi Pasuma, the Ijoba and Oga Nla of Fuji, decided to dump his Islamic faith for Christianity? Definitely not. The last time we checked, the Anobi Omole is still a Muslim he has always been.

So how has he taken music to Church on his 48th birthday and not Mosque? It is definitely not what you are thinking. The Omo Iyawo Anobi has only figuratively taken music to Church with the style with which he waxed his latest single featuring Yoruba hip hop artiste, Q-Dot and titled: "#Olohun Oje."

The song which surfaced on you tube on the eve of Pasuma's 48th birthday is delivered in Cherubim and Seraphim style both in lyrics and percussion and one can say without fear of contradiction that the Commander-in-Chief of Fuji music has taken music to Church to mark his birthday.

See you tube link here... watch:


Very talented Islamic artiste, Mistura Aderohunmu Asafa better known as Mistura Temi Ni Success recently got a car as a birthday gift from her U.S. based husband, Akanfe, and Saheed Ojubanire Online reported to you that she was set to paint the town in all the colours of the rainbow with her car.

Like we predicted, Mistura Temi Ni Success is painting the town pink today, one of the other colours of the rainbow outside red. See picture after the cut...

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


If the game is photography, there is no position he cannot play. Put him in the centre forward or push him to the wings, he is sure to deliver the goals. Ace Photo Journalist, Demola Adeogun brings not just passion but also skills into photography, the attributes which earned him the nick-name Paparazzi. And before you start wondering why one person would be addressed as Paparazzi instead of its singular form of Paparazzo, that is simply because he comes across to many who have seen him with the kind of energy he puts into his work, like he is several well-trained photographers rolled into one.

Though based in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Paparazzi's job has always spoken for him across the land scape of the clime called Nigeria. He freelances for some of the major Celebrity Magazines in the country who know the value of well-taken life-like colourful pictures. Meanwhile, there is a fresh piece of good news for you about Paparazzi.

And here is it, he has just opened a studio that covers all events- wedding, D&B Photography, Photo Book Album ( Syntentic , Metallic , Acrylic and Normal mat all in different sizes ), HD DVD Video coverage of high quality for your events and Multi-media Screen.

The location of the studio? It is at 22, Iya Alaso Shopping Complex, Oke-Ilewo, Abeokuta. While Head Office is at 23, Olorunfunmi Street, Ilupeju, Lagos.

And in case you relish his services for your next occassion anywhere in Nigeria or even, overseas, you can call him on this number: +2348037143625. That is his hot-line and it never stops ringing.

Just dial and see for yourself.

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Below is King of music, Dr. Saheed Osupa's soon to be released 2-in-1 album sample poster and title as posted on his face book page. It is billed to be released in December,2015…


A new radio station has just berthed in the rock city of Abeokuta, the capital of Ogun State. Reliable information reaching Saheed Ojubanire Online has it that the station named Sweet 107.1 F.M. kicked off test transmission yesterday night, November 20th, and full transmission is expected to begin on December 1st, 2015.

And guess what, the station situated in Ibara Housing Estate is said to be owned by Ogun politician, Senator Gbenga Obadare who represented Ogun Central at the Senate in the last dispensation.

And the station promises to be the new bride of the members of Freelance and Independent Broadcasters' Association of Nigeria (FIBAN) in the state due to the closeness of the senator to the association.

Friday, November 20, 2015


His voice is very discernible on air. And that distinction owes partly to his intonation and not just the brilliance of his presentation. High Chief David Abbey Fagboro (JP), a popular freelance broadcaster is a very proud Ekiti man. And the leading independent presenter carries the identity of his native land in his voice just like some people from the countryside demonstrate theirs in their tribal marks. So, any time the resourceful media guru who presents mostly on radio is on air, he does not need much introduction before knowing it is him.

The MD/CEO of Abbey International Communication, a contemporary of late Gbenga Adeboye who is a well respected media figure amongst the flock of his younger colleagues in the freelance media business is about to add a new feather to his cap. And his well-deserved honour is coming from the source for a true son of the soil.

Come December 11th, 2015, distinguished monarch, the Olohan of Erijiyan Ekiti would officially be conferring a lofty title of "Odoka" of Erijiyan Ekiti on the presenter of a very popular Sunday morning Christianity-based thought-provoking programme, "L'owuro Sunday" on Faaji 106.5 F.M., Lagos between the hours of 7 and 10 am every week. Consequently dubbed the General Overseer (G.O) on the radio due to the very wide and inter-religious listenership and acceptance of the programme, Abbey Fagboro has reportedly set machineries in motion to receive his new title in a glamorous way.

With almost all his co-members of Freelance and Independent Broadcasters' Association of Nigeria (FIBAN) getting set to storm Erijiyan Ekiti with him on the day, one can predict the event would be the talk of the town when held.

Interestingly, some of the witty members of the association who present programmes on different radio stations across the South-West have started making malapropism out of Abbey Fagboro's new title by calling it "Odoko" instead of "Odoka". But funnily enough, "Odoko" which simply means a "promiscous woman" is only a Yoruba “vulgar” attribution suitable for a woman not a man like Abbey Fagboro.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Top female Islamic musician, Rukayat Gawat-Oyefeso recently feted 120 widows with a bag of rice each and other gift items in remembrance of her missing father and popular Islamic broadcaster, Alhaji Abdul-Razak Gawat.The philanthropic gesture, which was part of her annual event, tagged “IMOLE DAY”, also featured the launching of her new music flick titled: OGBE OKAN, part 3.

She said though her father had not been found but that the family remained optimistic that he would soon show up in the house. She appealed to well-meaning Nigerians and the Islamic community in general not to relent in their fervent prayers towards the discovery of the whereabouts of her father.

On the choice of widows, she said she saw them as a segment in the society that required attention and assistance. “I also believe Allah answers their prayers rapidly and I want them to also join me in prayers on my father. We wake up daily, hoping to see him return to the house and since we have exhausted all we could humanly do, we are relying solely on God to miraculously help us out. Apart from the widows, I also gave out gifts items to so many of my fans who have been part of my progress in music.”

Packaged by Okiki Films, the event, described as the best to have been organized by any Islamic artiste in the country, was graced by all the notable Islamic artistes, amongst who were: Alhaji Wasiu Kayode As-Sideeq, Baba N Waka, Ayeloyun, Saoti Arewa, Ere Asalatu, Omotayebi, Iya N Kaola, Gbemisoke, Temi Ni Success and Akogba, to mention a few.

The Chief Host who happened to be the Rukayat’s husband and also the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Staco Insurance, Alhaji Shakirudeen Oyefeso promised that the annual event would get bigger next year as a minimum of 250 widows would benefit from it. He also said youth empowerment scheme would also be introduced to get the young and talented ones fully engaged.

Sheikh Muyideen Ajani who gave the lecture during the programme enjoins all to be fearful of Allah and always see this life as ephemeral and seek more the Kingdom of Allah.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Like in the case of any parted couple determined never to reconcile, the irreconcilable differences between celebrity drummer, King Sunday Nurudeen Balogun better known as Oluperi, the lead drummer with Fuji music star, Saheed Osupa, and his estranged wife, Alhaja Mariam Aqeeqy Balogun, a talented Islamic artiste, have further taken an acute no-going-back turn two years after. According to information reaching Saheed Ojubanire Online from an impeccable source, the self-styled unbeatable drummer has few weeks back, remarried secretly.

According to the source, the secret wedding which took place in Benin Republic and to a Benenois woman had selected friends and family members of Oluperi in attendance. And right after the low-key wedding, Oluperi and the new woman in his life reportedly returned to his house on the outskirts of Lagos.

Meanwhile, Mariam Aqeeqy who is in the custody of the two kids between her and Oluperi is said to have since moved on with her own life too. She is currently concentrating on her music career and may be some time soon, she might be walking down the aisle with another man as well.

Saheed Ojubanire Online would surely keep you posted on further developments.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


What is he thinking? What if there is an accidental discharge from that pistol? What do you think would have happened to the beautiful lady? Thank God pretty Foluke Daramola Salako would not have been taken as an accomplice because she does not seem to see the gun herself. But the good news is that there was no accidental discharge and the unsuspecting lady finally went home in one piece.

Security guys at social events should always be vigilant to see guys wielding guns in their clothes like this o.


Friday, November 13, 2015


A man may be bearing Odunlade and another may be answering Adekola, but when the two names are brought together to always function like one, then that refers to just one person. A very popular actor, Odunlade Adekola is a house-hold name among Yoruba movie lovers in Nigeria and even beyond. Hence, at the risk of sounding exaggerative, if per-chance, somebody else has the combination of his two names as theirs, they'll have to contend with bearing the name in the shadow of the consummate role-interpreter because his is no longer just a name but a big brand in the entertainment fiefdom.

As a matter of fact, it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to mention the names of those in the vanguard of dictating the pace in the Yoruba movie industry today without the name of the tall and good-looking Abeokuta, Ogun State, based thespian popping up in the first three, unless such a listing is not objective. Meanwhile, he did not achieve that feat on a platter of gold, he earned it. Or better still, he paid his dues, then the dues accumulated, and it is now safe to say the all round actor is currently enjoying the dividends of that "dues’" accumulation.

For him, it was a long road to stardom. Not many know that Odunlade Adekola did not just join the movie industry at the time his presence was first felt as an actor of note. Based on an extract from his profile on Wikipedia, he joined the movie industry and registered as a member of the Association of Nigerian Theatre Arts Practitioners (ANTP) in 1996 when he was only 18.It is instructive, however, to add at this juncture that most of Yoruba actors if not all, Odunlade Adekola inclusive, have dumped the ANTP for a new body named Theatre Arts and Motion Pictures Practioners Association of Nigeria (TAMPPAN). And the reason(s) for that exodus is not the subject of discuss here.

Meanwhile, it was not until 7 years after joining the industry that the first twinkle of a star shone on Odunlade Adekola. It was in 2003 to be precise, when he played the lead role in a movie produced by a late actor under whom Odunlade Adekola learnt the art of acting, Ishola Durojaye, better known as Alasari, that his (Odunlade Adekola) great acting skills came to the fore and caught the fancy of the teeming movie viewers. The movie that acted as his launch pad then came with the title "Asiri Gomina Wa".

Meanwhile, the unequalled contributions of the late Alasari who died in a fatal auto accident few years back, to discovering and refining raw talents out of the rock city of Abeokuta, is a topic for another day. But Odunlade Adekola would eternally be grateful to the deceased and exceptional film-maker for who he has become today. And what Odunlade Adekola said in an interview with this blogger some years back about Alasari would suffice in this regard.

"For Ishola Durojaye (Alasari) in the production of one of his films then, 'Asiri Gomina Wa', there were lots of criticisms that Odun(lade) cannot act the role that was given to him properly as the governor in the movie, but he (Alasari) called me to one side and said no matter what they say, Odun, you are going to do it. This is your script, go through it and master it. And I was thrown into confusion and felt challenged as to how I would not disappoint someone that has placed such enormous confidence in me. But I thank God today, though I have been acting before 'Asiri Gomina Wa', but it was 'Asiri Gomina Wa' that brought me to the spotlight."

Though the movie "Asiri Gomina Wa" was the production that brought Odunlade Adekola into reckoning as a deep and thorough role-interpreter and consequently fetched him more movie roles than he had envisaged, afterwards, it can be said, arguably, that it was not that movie that began the brand building for him. Rather, it was his self produced movie which may also be referred to as a movie with a self-fulfilling prophesy aptly titled "Emi Ni Ire Kan" (I am the next in line to receive God's favour).

"Emi Ni Ire Kan", being Odunlade Adekola's second movie after "Farapamo", was produced in 2009 and he played the lead in the movie alongside Ronke Odusanya aka Flaky Ididowo. He played the role of a stammering local rapper while Flaky Ididowo acted as his girlfriend cum manager. It was one comic movie that sold like hot cakes at that time and more importantly, opened a floodgate of encomiums for Odunlade Adekola as an actor to beat. Basically, due to his sublime delivery of his role in the movie, he went on to win his first major award as City People Entertainment's Best Yoruba Actor of the Year in 2009 and since then, he has not looked back as he kept churning out block-buster after block-buster from his stable.

For the records, some of the other movies by Odunlade Adekola which further ensconced his position as a leading actor and strengthened his brand the more, include: "Baba Super", "Ila Owo", "Eje Fun Eje", "Sunday Dagboru", "Mufu Oloosa Oko", "Alani Pamolekun" and "Adebayo Aremu Abere (AAA)" to mention a few. It would not be out of place to hint it at this point that Odunlade Adekola's proactiveness at producing his own movies regularly in which he always play the lead rather than wait for other producers to call him for lead roles, is one of the secrets of maintaining his relevance in the industry for so long.

And remaining relevant has also yielded its own benefit for the native of Ekiti State. Though, a lot of people have the misconception that Odunlade Adekola is from Ogun State where his parents had been based before his birth, but his home state is actually Ekiti. Meanwhile, his remaining relevant for long, ultimately earned him a Glo Ambassadorship deal in 2013, an achievement which took him to cloud nine when it happened."I must tell you, Glo endorsement is one of the happiest things in my life. It makes me happy anytime I remember that I am a Glo ambassador, because when you are working, you don’t know the type of people watching you. There are a lot of people in the entertainment industry. So, for a big company like that to say ‘let us call on this man to be an ambassador’ is a great thing for me. So, I am so happy. Like I used to say, I never thought of it at all or that any organization would call on me to be its brand ambassador. It is something of great joy to me." He gushed in an interview with ThisDay Life after the deal was struck then.

It however, came to observers of happenings in the entertainment industry as a surprise when Odunlade Adekola was dropped few months after, alongside some other entertainers as Glo Ambassadors. Though not much of official reason was given by the telecommunication giant for including him in those they decided to drop then, but like a phoenix from the ashes, Odunlade Adekola recently returned as one of the ambassadors Glo signed on in June, 2015.

The reason for his re-appointment cannot be unconnected with his profile that has continued to soar higher and higher like an eagle despite the stiff competition he is being given by other actors in the Yoruba movie industry. Out of sheer hard work and dedication to his passion, the actor, film-maker, director, producer and sound-track composer has been able to build himself into a big brand that even those who may not like his face cannot afford not identifying with.


What parameter do you use to measure success? Does it include being in a particular profession for a considerable period of time while not only remaining on top of your game but also living a good life with even the potential for a greater future in your area of human endeavour? You agree success includes that? Then you should agree that by pushing her music career from the beginning till date with the alias "Temi Ni 'Success'" ('Success' Is Mine), young and talented female Islamic music star, Mistura Aderohunmu Asafa, has success really rubbing off on her career by the time you finish reading this gist.

Better referred to as Mistura Temi Ni Success, she started out as a kid artiste in the then burgeoning Islamic music industry and burst into the limelight with an album titled: "Temi Ni Success" which sold like hot cakes then as everyone kept wondering how a kid could be so gifted. And now that Islamic music has come of age as a genre recognized by all music lovers not only in Nigeria but even beyond, Mistura Temi Ni Success who is currently in her twenties is now, not only married to a U.S. based upwardly mobile husband, Akanfe, she still shines brightly among stars who came long after her into the industry.

And as you read this, the dark, cute, petite and velvety voiced singer has just taken delivery of an exotic Camry car with which she would be painting the town not just red, but in every colours of the rainbow. The car is indeed a birthday gift from her caring husband. And who says "her's is not success"? Some names surely have ways of rubbing off on their bearers (oruko ma nro omo).